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Preparing For Cold Season

Cold season can be loosely defined as the time of year when colds, or cold-like symptoms, seem to get ahold of just about everyone regardless of age. Unfortunately, cold season seems to start right as your children are going back to school, giving the colds a chance to spread quickly. Luckily for you, there are some precautionary measure you can take to ensure your defense against colds is as strong as possible.

Wash your hands

So simple, yet so forgettable. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Before you eat, after the bathroom, and when you’re bored. Wash for roughly 20 seconds with soap and water.

Avoid touching your face

Germs can be spread easily if you touch something dirty and then touch your face or mouth. If you’re someone that tends to subconsciously touch your face, do your best to avoid it. This will reduce the likelihood of catching a cold. Fight the urge to rub your eyes, pick food out of your mouth with your finger, or anything else similar.

Get quality sleep

Without getting too scientific, lack of quality sleep can have negative effects on your immune system. The suggested amount of sleep depends on your age, and the quality of sleep you get has a handful of factors. A general rule of thumb, however, is that adults get 8 hours, teenagers get 9 hours, and adolescents get 10 hours.

Keep your surrounding area clean

Keeping your home and work space clean by using disinfectant sprays and wipes will eliminate potential germs that can get you sick. Wipe down frequently touched surfaces, such as phones, doorknobs, keyboards, or cabinet handles.

Stay away from potential dangers

If you see someone excessively coughing and sneezing, do your best to keep your distance. While interacting with people, keeping your distance can keep you out of range of unexpected coughs or sneezes that, while extremely unpleasant, also carry pathogens.

Drink water, eat clean

Hydration can help boost your immune system, as well as a diet that includes vitamin D and C rich foods. Fruits and vegetables are a safe bet, and relying on water as opposed to other drinks is the proper way to stay hydrated.